pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Clone Repos') { steps { git url: 'https://github.com/your-org/service-a.git' git url: 'https://github.com/your-org/service-b.git' } } stage('Build & Test') { steps { sh './build-and-test.sh' } } stage('Deploy') { steps { sh './deploy.sh' } } } }

Complete Guide to python Testing Frameworks

While sometimes tedious, testing is critical if you’re at all interested in developing a robust and reasonably bug-free codebase that endures. In software testing, these are your options: Unit testing involves testing snippets of code, single functions, classes, utility functions, components, etc. Here, each function, component, class, etc. is tested independently and as a single […]
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Complete Guide to python Testing Frameworks


While sometimes tedious, testing is critical if you’re at all interested in developing a robust and reasonably bug-free codebase that endures. In software testing, these are your options: Unit testing involves testing snippets of code, single functions, classes, utility functions,…


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