Dependencies for Helm releases in FluxCD

An example of a dependency between a backend service and a Redis service and how to set up and configure FluxCD to manage dependencies between Helm releases
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Dependencies for Helm releases in FluxCD

An example of a dependency between a backend service and a Redis service and how to set up and configure FluxCD to manage dependencies between Helm releases

FluxCD is a popular CNCF-graduated GitOps tool that allows you to automate and manage your Kubernetes deployments in an automated process.

In this post, we will look at an example of a dependency between a backend service and a Redis service and how to set up and configure FluxCD to manage dependencies between Helm Releases.


  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Helm v3

HelmRelease dependencies

Let’s consider an example scenario where the apps have the dependency: Backend service → Redis Service.

If the backend service starts without the Redis pod being ready, it will not be able to read requested data in Redis and starts to throw errors like this:

"msg":"cache server is offline","error":"dial tcp redis:6379: connect: connection refused"

Here, we’ll use podinfo as our Backend service and Redis as a cache service.

One can define a dependency between Helm Releases using the below parameter in the helm Release manifest :

    - name: <release name>


Configure flux

  1. Install the Flux CLI using the below command :
curl -s | sudo bash
  1. Install flux controllers in our cluster which will manage helm releases :
flux install 

Configure apps

  1. Add Bitnami Helm repository to the cluster via Flux required for Redis service :
flux create source helm bitnami 
  1. Add backend service’s Helm repository to the cluster via Flux required for backend service :
flux create source helm backend 

This will create a resource type HelmRepository and it will fetch the latest helm chart releases every 15 min.

kubectl get helmrepository
NAME      URL                                      AGE   READY  STATUS
backend   2m   True    stored artifact for revision 'fd69a2'
bitnami       2m   True    stored artifact for revision '423580'
  1. Let’s create the HelmRelease YAML for backend service :
cat <<EOF > backend-release.yaml
kind: HelmRelease
  name: backend
  namespace: default
  interval: 5m
      chart: podinfo
      version: 6.2.2
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: backend
    - name: redis
    cache: "tcp://redis-master:6379"
  1. Now, create the HelmRelease YAML for Redis service :
cat <<EOF > redis-release.yaml
kind: HelmRelease
  name: redis
  namespace: default
  interval: 5m
      chart: redis
      version: 17.3.14
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: bitnami
    architecture: standalone
      enabled: false
  • In the above manifest, we’re installing backend service and Redis helm charts from the Helm repository which we created earlier in Flux using Source definition.
  • We have kept the sync / reconcile interval to be 5m.
  • We’ve also applied a few custom helm values like Redis service’s address in the backend service and installing Redis as a standalone master instead of Master-Slave architecture.
  • Finally, we’ve defined that the backend service depends on Redis using dependsOn, which means Backend will be reconciled when the Redis service release status is READY.
  1. Apply both the helm release manifest files :
kubectl apply -f redis-release.yaml -f backend-release.yaml

Let’s check the status of releases :

flux get helmreleases -n default

backend 6.2.2           False           True    Release reconciliation succeeded
redis   17.3.14         False           True    Release reconciliation succeeded

We can also see from Helm controller pod’s log that the backend service got deployed after Redis got ready :

"level":"info","msg":"all dependencies are ready, 
proceeding with release","HelmRelease":"name":"backend","namespace":"default"

Note: By default. Flux follows Helm’s–wait. By using this, Helm will wait until all pods of the deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. Read more from the Helm doc here.

Release failure

In case of release failure, for example, if Redis release has a failure and the pod is not ready, the backend service will not be deployed.

To test this, uninstall both the helm release using the below command ;

kubectl delete -f redis-release.yaml -f backend-release.yaml

Update the Redis Manifest with the image tag to a non-existent one so that pod will be in Crash Loop.

    architecture: standalone
      enabled: false
      tag: 1.0

Apply the Helm release and check the release status :

kubectl get helmreleases

backend   6m   False   dependency 'default/redis' is not ready
redis     6m   False   install retries exhausted

Cross namespace and multi-release dependency

You can also define multiple Helm releases name in the dependency block, as the dependsOn property is an array of Helm release names that the current Helm release depends on.

For example :

    - name: redis
    - name: mysql

To reference the Helm release in different namespace, use the following syntax : <namespace>/<name>, for example :

    - name: monitoring/prometheus

Avoid dependency death loop

Circular dependencies between HelmRelease resources must be avoided, otherwise, the interdependent HelmRelease resources will never be reconciled.

To understand this, I’ll update the Backend service’s YAML and add the dependency config which will turn into:

  • Once I apply the manifests, let’s check the status of helm releases :
flux get helmreleases -n default

backend                 False           False   dependency 'default/redis' is not ready
redis                   False           False   dependency 'default/backend' is not ready

Let’s check Kubernetes events to see the reason for the helm release to be not ready. Alternatively, you can describe the helmrelease too.

info  HelmChart 'default/default-redis' is not ready
info  dependencies do not meet ready condition (dependency 'default/backend' is not ready)
info  HelmChart 'default/default-backend' is not ready
info  dependencies do not meet ready condition (dependency 'default/redis' is not ready)
  • As you can see, this dependency loop will never get resolved as each release is dependent on the other.

References :

Flux: utils.go#L230

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