From startups to Fortune 500s, the worlds most effective engineering teams supercharge their developers with Aviator.

Managing releases is hard

Tracking code change lifecycle

Is my code change already in production? When was the last deploy?

Production outage

When production outages happen, there's no well defined protocol on creating rollbacks, causing serious customer impact.

Brittle deployments

Hard to deploy confidently without clear visibility into what changes are impacting the next deployment for the given service. Release notes are also messy.

Hard to verify a release

Sometimes a deployment requires manually herding all developers who have made a code change to verify the release. This process can be messy, error prone.

Aviator Releases Dashboard

Aviator connects with your CD (or CI) system to manage and analyze deployments across all services and applications. Enable anyone in the team to safely deploy or rollback a release, prepare cherrypicks and monitor deployment status.

Automatic release notes

Create smart release notes for a given service, review the Changelog containing diff from the last release. Release notes are automatically synced with GitHub.

Release verification workflow

A custom workflow to request review from all developers who have changes in a Changelog. Integration with Slack for notifying owners. Freeze / block the deployment on a schedule or manually.

Democratize deployments

Enable any engineer to safely deploy a release using your existing CD framework. Track the deployment status, and notify relevant parties.

Cherrypicks and rollbacks

Easily create cherrypick PRs from any commit, and deploy. Or automatically deploy a rollback to a previous version to recover from an incident.

DORA metrics

Track Change Failure Rate and Mean Time to Recovery, and improve recovery time by managing efficient rollbacks.

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